
  • Address:

    Locality Piazzano
    Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) - Mugello

    P.IVA: IT04172250484
    CIN: IT048004B52DF7WA2X
    CIR: 048004AAT0009

  • Information and reservations:

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Location of the Palazzo Vecchio Farmhouse and map

Located in a central area of the green Mugello valley, in Tuscany

The Farmhouse Palazzo Vecchio enjoys excellent tranquility, even though it is relatively close to Borgo San Lorenzo.

Our guests can enjoy a quiet, relaxing holiday, without having to give up the most beautiful cities of art: Florence (about 30 km) can be reached in just over half an hour by car and the train (station in Borgo San Lorenzo) leads directly to the historic center of the city.
In addition to the city of Florence, you can visit other artistic and cultural destinations such as Siena, Pisa and Lucca.